Shakti is an astrologer and psychic working for Indian Astrologer & Psychic Inc. She gives astrological predictions based on her learning under a guru and research on literature coupled with her experience in the field. Her psychic readings are based on intuition developed by years of meditation and prayers.
Shakti makes the predictions and suggests solutions based on her learnings, experience and intuition. Shakti or Indian Astrologer & Psychic Inc give no guarantee of any king about the accuracy of the predictions or benefits by the solutions given by varied sources such as website, telephone, email , personal interaction or any other source.
Shakti or Indian Astrologer & Psychic Inc are not liable for any decisions, which you make on basis of readings or advice in any form received from Shakti. The information delivered by her is meant for entertainment purposes only and not for replacing professional advice. Shakti or Indian Astrologer & Psychic Inc. will by no means be responsible if any emotional distress and / or personal misfortune occur to you by listening to the readings or advice delivered by or through Shakti.
In the same manner Shakti and Indian Astrologer & Psychic Inc give no guarantee or make promises regarding your future success and earnings, or that you will surely be benefited financially or emotionally by availing our services. Your responsibilities are in your own hands and Shakti is not liable for any decisions and conclusions you make by opting for the services of Shakti. All the fees paid by credit card, cash, cheque or by any other means in lieu of the services are non- refundable in any circumstances. All the above stated stipulations are not intended to restrict or limit your legal statutory rights which can be fully exercised.